


Whimsical woodland animals

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

 Lots of cute creatures are in today's post, I've been enjoying my time lately making new products for our Etsy shop to be available soon inshallah, painting the cutest whimsical woodland creatures.  So today started with breakfast and watching the Gruffalo's child with Joud, which inspired today's post, I have always been keen on nature since a young age, my earliest childhood memories almost always involved animals, my mum and dad Allah yerhamah were definitely my number one supporters,  now Joud is showing so much love and interest for nature and animals, maybe she will grow up to be a Zoologist or a Vet like her mum and dad? well who knows, as far as I'm concerned I will just raise her to love, explore and most important to be kind to all creatures. 

 Speaking of that I really do miss being involved as a part of the nature conservation work in Libya, especially talking about the Libyan Wildlife Trust, hopefully, when we've settled back home me and my husband and maybe Joud can join too, we can resume work and finish the dreams we started and planted together, our passion for Wildlife protection will never be put down we realised.

I remember how the whole group including myself were under constant criticism regarding our work, for the time and energy devoted voluntarily towards the Libyan Wildlife, accusing us of being delusional, insensitive as we were being told repeatedly that we should protect human lives in Libya not wild foxes and turtles!  The continues negativity at some points along with the miserable circumstances the country has been going through until this day, with selfishness among the crowds and us being away made interest on our behalf of being a part fade away! we were always told, you're away, you can't do anything and no opinions what so ever for change for better were sadly ever excepted.  Hoping one day Libya will have its share of efficient and ethical Wildlife conservation NGO's! 

Healthy ginger biscuits

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

I've been loving these biscuits lately, they are very easy to make and bake in no time. Joud is now happy to lend mummy a hand, tasting & setting up for a photoshoot, & of course using biscuits as building blocks! oh dear, how much joy she brings to my heart.  I promised myself that I would never stop her creativity even if it becomes messy as long as there is no harm to her.  I do lose my patience at times, but usually cool down shortly & start something else together. So I love how she likes doing whatever I am doing & just trying to participate, even if that means in many cases my job has to be redone, but hey, life has to have some fun right? I wouldn't ask for a better companion. 

Ingredients :

1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 cup rolled oats
2 Tbs honey
1 Tbs olive oil
2 1/2 Tbs water
1 tsp vanilla
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp all spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
A pinch of salt

Directions :

Mix the almond meal, shredded coconut & oats, then add the rest of the dry ingredients.
Finally, now add the honey, olive oil, & water, mix until mixture is combined well. It's very important to add the water, in order to get all the mixture held well together.
Shape in small balls & flatten with the palm of your hand.
Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 mins, or until golden.  Leave to cool completely before storing in an air thigh container.

وصفة البوست اليوم لبشكطي ساهل وصحي، المقادير كلها تقريباً متوفرة في ليبيا.  جُود بدت تكبر وتحب تساعدني وتدير معاي اي شئ أنا ندير فيه، حتى لو حاولت نصور للبلوق، نلقاها طول جاية وتحاول تقلد شن ندير، طبعاً تساعد فيا في الذوقان ونأخد في رأيها لو عجبها نعاوده. غير أنها في عمر كل شئ تبي تبني بيه، واعدت نفسي من زمان إني ما نبطلهاش تدير اي شئ مدام مافيشي ضرر ليها، فنخلي فيها على راحتها تلعب وتجرب وتتعلم، وحتى ولو بعدها الحوسة كبيرة ولا لازم نعاود الشئ اللي كنت ندير يه من الأول، بالي واسع بالعموم بس معاها نزيد فيه، مع ذلك مرات معاش عندي خلوق نسايرها وتعصبني شوية، نحاول بعدها نهدأ ونولي ندير اي شئ ثاني أنا واياها والله ضميري يأنبيني.  عموماً هذه المقادير اللي استخدمتها :
١/٢ كوب دقيق اللوز "لوز مرحي
١/٢ كوب جوز هند
 كوب شوفان
٢ ملعقة كبيرة عسل
ملعقة كبيرة زيت زيتون 
٢ ١/٢ ملعقة كبيرة مياه
 ملعقة صغيرة فانيليا
ملعقة صغيرة توابل مخلطة 
٢ ملعقة صغيرة زنجبيل مرحي
رشة ملح
١/٢ ملعقة صغيرة قرفة مرحية

الطريقة :
خلطي اللوز المرحي مع الشوفان وجوز الهند بعدها زيدي عليهم باقي المقادير.
توا زيدي العسل، زيت الزيتون والمياة و خلطي كويس لحد مايتجمع مع بعضه.  المياة مهمه إنك تزيديها بش يشد في بعضه.  بعدها شكليه كور وسطحيه بكف يدك شوية.
طيبيه لحد مايولي ذهبي لحاولي 20 دقيقة.  خليه يبرد قبل ما تحطيه في تبورير.

Making memories

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

A bit of a change in today's post than the regular, a lovely quirky couple of days we had, popping surprises here and there, thank Allah for, our loving family and friends. We finally had a chance to have a lovely day out, the three of us, the weather is lovely these days with its crisp breeze it was the perfect atmosphere for making memories, we decided to head to one of Stirling most famous attractions the Wallace monument a tower standing on the summit of Abbey Craig, the scenery as usual in Scotland was breathtaking, the trail up surrounded by autumnal coloured trees was healing in so many ways, crunching leaves as we step, birds chirping and Joud squealing whenever she spots a Robin or a Blackbird, made it so charming!.  I'll leave you now with some photos and a basic background.

The name William Wallace might ring a bell, well who could forget the Academy award winning film Braveheart?, William was a knight that was one of the main leaders during the wars of Scottish independence. On 11 September 1297, an army jointly led by Wallace and Andrew Moray won the battle against the English army, known as the battle of Stirling bridge. "After his betrayal and capture, Wallace was taken to London, where he was trialled.  He was found guilty, hanged, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered" well those are words I never use!

The fights for freedom and all the sacrifices reminded me of our very own Omar Elmukthar, the 72 old Libyan that fought for twenty years relentlessly against the Italian invasion in Libya.  Documented as his capture being a betrayal, while others argue it was not, it was a surrender to save lives. Unfortunately, this had the unfair judgment for a well-known city in Libya being labelled as the "betrayals city".  Omar Almuktar once said "After I die fighting against foreign invaders, the new generation will pick up the torch and fight on to chase out the last foreign soldier from the sacred soil of Libya"

While Libya still fights for the basics of living every day, nothing I hope for my homeland more than safety and well-being for all Libyans.
