


Dear stretch marks

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Well as I promised, here's a post about one of many pregnancy problems ( stretch marks ) they appear very fast and itch! it differs from body to another and to maintain a healthy weight gain while pregnant it is always recommended that you watch your weight and not gain weight very fast, as that will most likely affect your body and your skin will be definitely affected and stretched quickly leading to the not so lovable stretch marks.

A little bump

Saturday 20 December 2014

It's been a while I always thought of blogging about my journey and maybe helping others that a are going through the same, but unfortunately, I never had time for that being either tired or too busy.  It's been a long pregnancy ride for me 24 weeks now and can't wait to meet my little angel.  I thought I might share a few tips and even products I've been using that worked great for me and others that didn't.  I also thought of sharing some effortless and healthy dishes anyone in the same situation can make.